We have several methodologies that work and yield superior wells. First we drill a large diameter straight hole. This gives us plenty of room to get the casing and gravel pack where it needs to be. We use centralizers (tools that center the casing in the hole) for the whole length of the borehole. This assures that we get a complete and even gravel pack (this prevents sand). We attach a trimmi pipe (a conduit for cement) to the casing at the level that we want to completely seal off. This allows us to use the casing to assure the trimmi pipe and the cement get to where they need to be located to completely and permanently seal off the good water. We use nothing but 4 1/2 inch SDR17 well casing. This prevents well collapse and pumps overheating and hanging. We will not cut corners on any part of a drilling project from start to finish. Your project will be done the right way the first time. In the end we will have more money in the ground than most other companies, but we have higher quality, longer lasting wells and happier customers. Often the additional expence of out superior materials and workmanship make us a little bit higher than some of our competitors. Let me assure you we are worth it!! Most of the additional mony will be spent on your well and will come back to you over years of longetivity, quality support and service.
<img class=”alignright leftpad size-medium wp-image-80″ src=”http://www.a1waterwells.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/service-300×300.jpg” alt=”A1 Water Wells Maintenance Services” width=”200″ height=”200″ />
We are equipped and skilled to handle all of your well service needs. We will be just as happy to replace the pump in your 30 foot tile well as the pump in your 1000 foot 10 inch well. We understand that when your water is down you need it fixed. We will make every reasonable attempt to get your system up and running as soon as possible. Again we will use only the best methods and parts to assure you the longest service life possible.
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